The Essence of an Incredible Continent!

Own the meal kit, and make these Authentic African Recipes!
Moroccan Turmeric Couscous Bowl
South African Crisp Baked Goujon (Chicken strips)
Ethopian Dora Wat (Beef or Chicken Stew)
African Meal Kit
In this no preservatives, African Meal Kit, you'll find all of the bespoke spices and blends and turmeric couscous needed to whip up three delicious main dishes. Our kit comes with easy-to-follow recipe cards to make cooking authentic African cuisine as easy as possible. Grab a few fresh ingredients listed below, and you're ready to cook nourishing African meals in comforts of home.
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Plant-Based Ingredients:
Ethiopian Berber Spice Blend
Organic Turmeric
Organic Couscous
South African Peri-Peri Spice Blend
Recipe cards to make the following fragrant and tasty dishes:
Moroccan Turmeric Couscous Bowl
South African Crisp Baked Goujon (chicken strips)
Ethiopian Dora Wat (Beef Stew or chicken stew)
4 medium red onions
9 clove Garlic
3-inch piece fresh ginger
1 cucumber
Bread Crumbs
4 large carrots
2 tomatoes
Tomato Paste
Above + 3- 3½- pound beef chuck or chicken
1 ¼ lb. Chicken breast
1 egg
Recipes will accommodate your lifestyle & diet:
Gluten & Dairy Free, Non-Vegetarian, Vegan & Vegetarian.
We're pro-plant, not anti-animal. When it comes to plant-based living, we’re realistic. Eat what you love, but eat more plants.